Super Cute Penguin Birthday Cake Idea

by Linette

My nephew’s birthday was last weekend, right after the new year, in the middle of winter. For his first birthday party last year my sister made him a super cute penguin cake.

Here’s a close up of some of the penguins in the penguin pool. The edible cake sparkles just make this cake shimmer and shine like fresh snow on a sunny day! The stucco look is easy to recreate, and adds even more to the winter wonderland appearance of the cakes.

Here’s my nephew getting a sugar rush enjoying his own mini penguin cake.

Here’s another photo of the small cake, before my nephew dug in.

My sister wrote up all the details to make this penguin cake here: make a penguin cake if you’d like to give it a try yourself. She has more really cool penguin party ideas posted there too. I think it was a cool idea for a winter party theme, my nephew definitely enjoyed it!

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Bonnie February 3, 2011 - 8:10 pm

My daughter loves penguins, so do I! This cake is simply adorable and your nephew sure looks to have enjoyed it!

Linette February 3, 2011 - 9:34 pm

Bonnie~ He really did enjoy it! Thanks so much for stopping by!

Bonnie February 14, 2011 - 4:10 pm

Have you ever seen live penguins? OMG, my daughter and I used to go to the Central Park Zoo in NY and they have live penguins. We would stand there and just watch them through the glass for a few hours each time. Most people look for a few minutes than go on their way, not us, lol. Penguins are such fun!


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