LEGO Friends Sets For Girls~ My Niece is a Fan!

by Linette

I really hadn’t paid attention to the LEGO Friends sets for girls until my niece got one for Christmas this year. They were on her wish list, so she was excited to get started putting them together.

She got the Mia’s Puppy House LEGO Friends Set and put it together all by herself with the directions.

She had a blast putting it together, and showing it to the rest of the family.

My niece’s birthday is a couple weeks after Christmas, so I decided to see what other LEGO Friends sets were available. The only problem is, when I hit the store I couldn’t find them, at all. I looked all around the LEGO aisle, no Friends sets. Hmmm.

I finally asked a store employee, and they pointed me in the right direction! The LEGO Friends sets aren’t located where you think they would be, at least not at Walmart! They’re located with the dolls, and other girl’s toys. I finally found a fairly large display of Friends LEGOS!

I really liked several of the sets, including this Butterfly Beauty Shop with Emma and Sarah.

In the end I decided to get her LEGO Friends Stephanie’s Cool Convertible. It was a great choice to add to my niece’s collection.

There are several LEGO sets available for girls in the Friends series, at several different price points. That makes them perfect for gift ideas, Easter baskets, and just because. You can find most of them at Amazon here: LEGO Friends

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1 comment

lauren kelton March 23, 2012 - 6:12 pm

youknow the lego friends are the best things in the wourld


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