Teen Party Ideas on a Budget

by Linette

Someone left a comment requesting ideas for a teenage party on a budget, for a mix of boys and girls.  I put together a couple ideas. I replied to the comment, but I thought I’d post the reply here to help others. Teen parties are not my specialty, I normally plan parties for the little ones. If anyone has any great tips or ideas to add please feel free to add your thoughts.

Here are my teen party planning ideas.

  • Music is always a great option, dance the night away. You could also put together a music trivia game. Break up into teams and quiz each other on who sings what song, and what year it was popular.
  • You could also rent a great movie, and put together a movie themed party. Put together a movie trivia question game.
  • Think about your personal interests, and the interests of your friends. Put together a party around those interests, for example if you like a certain sport, TV show, or band build a party around that.
  • There are many websites with free printables and games, just do a google search for free printables + your party them, or free party games + your theme.
  • Food can be simple, you can order pizza if it’s in the budget, or make your own. Making pizza can be part of the party activities.
  • You can also set up an ice cream, cupcake, or cookie decorating bar, and let everyone decorate with their own toppings.

Decorations can be simple, for example if you’re using music for your theme you can make guitars out of poster board, and cut them out to decorate with, if it’s a movie party print out some great photos from the movie to place around the room.

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1 comment

Deb - Mom of 3 Girls January 21, 2008 - 1:49 pm

We haven’t needed to do teen parties yet, but this will be good information to have in a few years when we get more into the teenage years. Thanks! 🙂


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