Our Elf on the Shelf went on vacation with us a couple weeks ago, and I’ve been sharing some of his escapades in our 25 Days of Elf On The Shelf. While we were there, we would leave our hotel room each day, and when we returned our Elf had made a new friend. A new origami friend that is….
We never knew who he was going to be friends with next! Elf on the Shelf enjoyed them all, even though they were a diverse bunch. Each day was a new adventure!
On Monday he met an origami crab, who told him all about the beaches… and where to find the best sand to build a sand castle.
On Tuesday he met an origami dinosaur who took him for a fun ride back in time! Well, maybe it was just around the hotel room, but they had a good time!
On Wednesday Elf on the Shelf met an origami whale, who told him tales about the oceans and where the best places were to go snorkeling.
Elf also met an origami bunny who loved to tell him funny jokes and make him laugh.
Have you ever heard a bunny tell a joke? It’s quite funny really!
Do you have captions you’d like to share for some of our Elf On The Shelf photos? Feel free to share them in the comment section! Kid appropriate only please!
Don’t forget you can check out all 25 Days of Elf on the Shelf as we post them!
Also check out these Elf on the Shelf Ideas:
Elf On the Shelf Goes to the Airport
Elf One The Shelf Goes To A Japanese Restaurant
Elf On The Shelf Stows Away To The Beach
Do you have any fun Elf On The Shelf ideas or tales to tell?